
Year : 2021-2022
Location : Vilanova i la Geltrú
Theme : VR, XR 5G, media, living lab.

Crea & Tic is a project to support the local labor market through advanced digital technologies. It seeks to apply advanced disruptive technologies, mainly 5G and extended reality (XR) -which combines augmented reality (AR, in English) and virtual reality (VR) -, to promote competitive economic growth in Vilanova i la Geltrú through the local talent, promoting a specialization of the labor market in these technologies.

The City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú and Neàpolis have launched Crea & TIC within the framework of the program “Work, Talent and Technology” (TTT program) of the Diputació de Barcelona, and will involve an investment of 163,098 € in two years by ‘this institution.

A technological revolution that generates job opportunities

The XR needs a massive traffic of mobile data, which together with the high number of devices connected to the Internet that may be there and the emergence of critical services, make it necessary to deploy 5G technology, which provides more data transmission speed, more processing capacity and lower latency.

However, immersive technologies such as AR and VR, with the help of 5G technology, can have an impact on the emergence of new business opportunities, the demand for new professionals and employability in general. More specifically, they can generate opportunities in:

    • Companies that develop enabling technologies, products that facilitate the creation, development or distribution of 3D content.
    • Start-ups that have products (not services) in specific sectors. Highlights include education, simulation, communication, architecture, medicine, and gaming, which has had the greatest impact so far for the incorporation of VR.
    • Service companies that develop VR / AR solutions tailored to others.
    • Specific regulated training (degree or master’s degree) on VR / AR.

The relationship of the project with other disruptive technologies (IoT, AI, blockchain …) and with other strategic projects that Neàpolis is currently promoting both nationally and internationally (Creative Europe, Erasmus + Entrepreneur, EU Horizon and Next) will also be sought. Generation).

Talent and new specializations

Crea & Tic incorporates the four lines of work foreseen in the TTT program, and proposes several actions for its execution:

  1. The analysis and diagnosis of the degree of innovation and the use of disruptive technologies by companies in the city.
  2. The establishment of strategic alliances between local agents and the testing of technological solutions by users through the living lab methodology;
  3. The competence development of people through the reskilling and upskilling of professionals in the creative and technological sector, the support of intrapreneurs and training on VR.
  4. The digitalisation of the business fabric and the revitalization of areas of economic activity.

The ultimate goal will be to achieve an empowered business fabric that uses disruptive technologies in the best possible way and that generates new opportunities in the city’s labor market.